Un Fabrikaları, Toptan un fiyatları,

Lale Un Gıda San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
	Confidence in all conditions
Türkiyede Buğday Ekim Alanları
About Wheat
Buğday Hakkında

The world's most produced and consumed food source; bread has a long story from field to our dining tables.

About Bread
Ekmek Hakkında

The world's most produced and consumed food source; bread has a long story from field to our dining tables.

Our Certificates
HACCP, ISO 9001-2000, Gıda Sicil, Tip 550, Tip 650

Lale Un, with its registered product quality standarts, has been always the first choice brand for long years.

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Hükümet Caddesi Kapı No:210/5 - Süleymanpaşa / Tekirdağ
Fab. Tel: (+90) 282 260 06 87 Fax: (+90) 282 260 06 88
E-mail: info@laleun.com.tr / lale.un@hotmail.com

  Elmas Grafik